We have eagerly been awaiting a jailbreak for iOS 6 for A5 devices such as the iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini, and iPhone 5. Thanks to much hard work from the evad3rs team consisting of pimskeks, planetbeing, pod2g, and musclenerd we can expect that anytime.
Musclenerd has been tweeting a lot lately and his tweets suggest Sunday February 3 saying:
I feel bad for those following fake @evad3rs_jb and liking fake FB https://www.facebook.com/evad3rs . They’re gonna miss the excitement this week.
Followed by:
Hey, did everyone know the Super Bowl is this Sunday? What will you be doing? /cc @evad3rs http://evad3rs.com
The Evad3rs just launched their site at evasi0n.com saying they are 68% there. Applications for Windows and OS X are finished with Linux in the works and next step for private beta testing. Evasi0n will be compatible with all iPhones, iPod Touch, iPad,, and iPad mini models running iOS 6.0 through 6.1