
Apple Stock Dropping Fast Due To iPhone 5 Confusion

Apple Stock is Falling

Due to all of the confusion around the release of an iPhone 5 and increased competition from Google Apple stock has gradually fallen over the last five days in a row. We will assume the bubble hasn’t burst just yet but it does mean Apple needs to step up their game or lose their momentum. At over $600 a share Apple is easily the Technology stock leader exponentially greater than others.

We have noticed that more investors are cashing in their Apple stock and the trend looks to keep going on for a while. Most of these sales are in anticipation of Apple’s second-quarter earnings that will be released next Tuesday. Selling of Apple stock is a good idea if you got into it before its 60% increase this year to $644. Really how long can Apple sustain such a jump without a little fall back.

Back in October Apple didn’t meet The Wall Street Journals expectations even with their record breaking sales and saw a 7% drop. Now that they have nothing to offer till maybe this fall after its early jump we can assume it will lose and could lose a large piece of its 60% jump.

Even as grand as Apple is there is unlikely a chance that they will be able to sustain such a high share price. The big guys are selling now for a pretty good profit so if you own a little apple stock you may want to have a quick look at your portfolio unless your in it for the long haul.